#Blogger #Medium #Twitted #Linked #Linkedin

Abhijit Dange
Jan 24, 2021


As an example I tried to look at #Citrix and #Wrike … some to show if they will work. I might have no money!! Still, #Blogger and #Medium, found that data was same, but wrong at #Medium, but okay at #Blogger … do you why?



As example, tried #Blogger … and that works #NICE!! How ever, in my telling #Medium did not be working for #ME … you see … the question!!

Also see #Twitter it is the best, but keeps small data … more #Linked #in #Linkedin …

#Views is the important …



Abhijit Dange

Abhijit Dange sufferred a massive Brain Haemorrhage in 2017 which damaged his ability to read, write and comprehend. Please encourage his attempts to recovery.