Work! Eat! #Nutanix

Abhijit Dange
2 min readFeb 29, 2020


#Digitize #Nutanix

They must use the way to use will #Digitize … this should good for generally people to eat!! Waiting and working are together!!

Why time a lot of eating has changes how it is given to people … Before, people open that people make like to help people to use … but then about 30 min and 60 min is all you need all the day … what has done … that food can be physically SENT to people to eat lier they good … they don’t have to discuss with nice!! This is good method … I think it!!

I looked my way to see #Nutanix — looks like that there has become greet!!

Many people want to go to EAT … that might be good … but the problem to compete work with eat! I think that lake sine lime to work together to safe thought!! I think that some people should do nothing to do nothing as much they can … I think it will be people to work together!

This is funny … just funny but still changes to all people eat things to their plans … it should to be good for all to make people and money!!



Abhijit Dange

Abhijit Dange sufferred a massive Brain Haemorrhage in 2017 which damaged his ability to read, write and comprehend. Please encourage his attempts to recovery.